SPIRO® Protection for Mobile Devices

SPIRO®-Schutz für mobile Geräte


    Gesundheit verbessern und Elektrosmog reduzieren mit dem SPIRO® CARD

    Elektronikgeräte wie Mobiltelefone strahlen zwei Arten von Strahlung aus: hohe und niedrige Frequenzen. Um sich vor beidem zu schützen, ist es wichtig, die SPIRO®-Technologie in der Nähe der Strahlungsquelle zu platzieren.

    SPIRO® CARD: Schutz für mobile Geräte

    • Umfassende EMF-Filterung: Der SPIRO® CARD filtert effektiv sowohl hoch- als auch niederfrequente Strahlung, die von Mobiltelefonen abgegeben wird.
    • Praktische Platzierung: Konzipiert für die Platzierung in oder auf der Telefonhülle, um eine maximale Wirksamkeit in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Strahlungsquelle zu gewährleisten.
    • Verbessertes Wohlbefinden: Reduziert die schädlichen Auswirkungen der EMF-Exposition und fördert so eine bessere allgemeine Gesundheit und ein besseres Wohlbefinden.


    Für optimalen Schutz platzieren Sie das SPIRO® CARD in oder auf Ihrer Handyhülle. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass sich die Karte immer in der Nähe der Strahlungsquelle befindet und sowohl hohe als auch niedrige Frequenzen effektiv gefiltert werden.


    Der SPIRO® CARD ist für die Reduzierung der EMF-Belastung durch Mobiltelefone unerlässlich und bietet umfassenden Schutz vor hoch- und niederfrequenter Strahlung. Indem Sie SPIRO® CARD in Ihren Alltag integrieren, können Sie Ihre Gesundheit verbessern und die mit Elektrosmog verbundenen Risiken verringern.

    Our Solution

    Each of our SPIRO® products is designed to filter a specific level and type of electromagnetic radiation emission. The different SPIRO® products come with their own formulations of the SPIRO® material inside, granting them the action range and filtering potency needed to handle the radiation associated with the specific devices, emissions, and spaces for which they were designed.

    The greater the number of SPIRO® films contained in a product, the broader its action range and filtering potency. As each of our products is designed for specific types of emissions and potencies, we recommend using the solutions together properly.

    Feedback from Our Community


    “In our practice, we have observed how our clients with electrosensitivity and sleep disturbances have improved their sleep quality after several weeks of using SPIRO® technology.We have conducted Bioresonance tests and observed how electrosensitivity levels decrease after using SPIRO® Card and SPIRO® Disc.”

    Raquel Contreras

    Naturopath | Acupuncturist


    “SPIRO® technology has been crucial in improving my daughter's health, who suffered from headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, and other symptoms after installing photovoltaic equipment at home.After making changes like relocating her bed, reducing dirty electricity, and using SPIRO® discs, her symptoms disappeared, enhancing her energy and sleep quality. This experience broadened my perspective as an immunologist on health and environmental impact.”

    Dr. Marcela de Andraca S.

    Clinical Immunologist


    "SPIRO® has been a true blessing for my family and me!Since we incorporated this technology to filter the non-native electromagnetic environment in our home, I have noticed a considerable improvement in my cognitive health. My memory has improved significantly, and the 'brain fog' has completely disappeared."

    Monica Salvatierra

    Mother, Philosopher, Nurturer, Coach


    "I have been drinking the water that is in a glass container I placed on a SPIRO® DISC. I can tell many good effects. My thinking is more alert. I always thought of myself as alert, but I feel now like when I was much younger. I do heavy physical work in my yard and now I am fatigued much less. My sleep is more efficient. It is wonderful to have water that remembers how it was before mankind messed it up. Thank you."

    Lois Collins

    “At NOURI, we are passionate about designing modern and regenerative communities that Nourish Life from Soil to Soul.In our projects, we integrate SPIRO® as a key technology to guarantee healthy and biocompatible environments that contribute positively in our resident’s well-being.”

